Nerve pain is usually one of the most frustrating conditions for which a person can ever suffer. It is not just painful but it can be very unbearable at times. Nerve pain can disrupt your daily activities and can even prevent you from walking, standing or sitting for long periods of time. When the sciatic nerve becomes pinched by either physical trauma or infection, the pain can become unbearable. Fortunately, there are some effective sciatic nerve pain relief techniques that you can employ to help alleviate the pain.
One of the many effective nerve pain relief techniques that you can consider employing is neuropathic pain management. Neuropathic pain can occur when the patient has been injured or inflicted with conditions like diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Parkinson’s disease, spinal stenosis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Typically, neuropathic pain results from injury or damage to peripheral nerve tissue such as the sciatic nerve, the central spinal cord or the musculoskeletal system. Neuropathic pain normally starts below the neck but can spread to other parts of the body. Neuropathic pain management includes pain killers, anti-inflammatory medications and other drugs that can help reduce pain.
Another effective method of sciatic nerve pain relief is exercising. By doing so, you help to improve your general fitness and strengthen your core muscles. The more fit you are, the less likely you are to incur future injuries, whether they be work related or sports related. This can also help to prevent atrophy of the hip joint and knee cap which are two of the most common causes of neuropathy.
However, one of the most effective methods of combating neuropathy involves taking supplements that contain vitamin B12, magnesium and beta carotene. These substances can greatly help treat and prevent neuropathy. Vitamin B12 helps to form healthy red blood cells and is essential in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Magnesium works to help make nerve cell communication stronger. And beta carotene is a powerful source of energy that helps to fight off neuropathy.
While taking these supplements can prove highly effective, they can only go so far in preventing and reducing nerve pain. The best way to ensure that you don’t develop neuropathy is to adopt a healthier diet. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in foods that promote healthy nerve and brain function can be a good start toward avoiding neuropathy. Adding a little vitamin b12 to your diet can not only help to maintain proper levels of nerve and brain function, but it can also help to reduce pain and prevent damage to those organs.
If you are suffering from sciatic nerve pain, you should take extra precautions to avoid further injury to your body. For instance, if you have a slip and fall, or some other type of accident, it is important to always lift with care. Always keep your feet on a flat surface and avoid standing on an unstable surface for too long. It is important to try and avoid sitting in one position for too long as well.
In addition to eating a balanced diet, many experts recommend exercising regularly. Studies show that those who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from nerve pain, and those who exercise less suffer from less severe nerve pain. Of course, exercising does require some skill, which is why it is important to consult a professional before starting. They will be able to advise you about exercise that is suitable for your particular condition.
If you are suffering from sciatic nerve pain, there are many treatments available. However, it is important to remember that the first step to treating your lower back pain is to visit a licensed professional. They will be able to assess your condition and determine what treatment options are best for you. Remember, the longer you wait to seek treatment the worse your condition will become. Once you visit a professional for treatment, they will be able to offer you several different treatment options, including pain relieving medications, physical therapy, chiropractic services, and many others.